• The amount deposited towards registration and admission for a particular year will neither be refundable nor transferable to any other year
  • The parents will hold the institution indemnified against all claims arising through illness and accident.
  • Students are not allowed to possess any cash and articles like ornaments, fancy stationery mobile phones. C.D.s., slam books etc. The school will not be held responsible for any loss of the above, if is kept by a student in violation of this rule.
  • Students should appear for all examinations. 
  • The parents are required to attend the PTM on a regular basis and the Class Teacher should be informed about any absenteeism, prior to the meeting. A respectable code of conduct should be maintained and punctuality observed at such meetings,
  • The students are required to seek written permission for leave prior to the commencement of the leave. In case, the leave is taken on medical grounds, an authentic medical certificate has to be produced on the day the student resumes classes.
  • Leave for half day should be avoided, as far as possible for security reasons, in emergency, however, a written request must be sent to the Principal.
  • The school routine involves physical and other activities during the course of which a, student may be exposed to accidental injuries in spite to all precautions. The School will not be held responsible for any such eventualities.
  •  Any document or seal will be provided by school for the session only after completion of fee for the session. 


  • Bus is arranged by the school for the students convenience.
  •  It is the responsibility of the parent to drop and pick (on return) the child from bus stop.
  • If the parent/guardian fails to pick up their children from the bus-stop on return journey, the child may be brought back to the school.
  • If the school bus does not reach the bus stop in time, parents are requested to check from the school gate/office or on the mobile phone of the bus driver for any unforeseen holiday/delay.
  • Students are required to maintain discipline & code of conduct in the school bus. Improper conduct my result in the privilege of riding the bus being withdrawn.
  • The bus drivers/conductors are not authorized to change any stop or route independently hence pa rents are requested not to argue/talk rudely with them.
  •  The school will not be held responsible for any lapse in the bus service. In case of any problem, parents may meet the bus contractor at the school office or report to the Administration. 
  •  Parents are requested to check the pick up/drop time from the bus staff, however a margin of 5-10 minutes should be considered. Also, please note the mobile no, of your child’s bus driver
  •  Conveyance fee will be paid on monthly basis to bus driver and will not be refunded or deducted due to any reason. 


The student should realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct In school but also for their general behavior outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct in school on the part of pupil shall make him liable to disciplinary aciton. Parents or guardians are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and that the management has a right to say on what conditions it will admit or retain pupil in the school.


  • Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its endeavour to ensure harmonious growth and development of their children. For this the following points should be considered.
  • Any change in residential address/telephone no/mode of transport to school should be notified in the school immediately.
  • A child suffering from any contagious disease should be avoided to be sent to school till recovery. 
  • Criticism of teachers and school authorities should be avoided, in case of a legitimate complaint the Principal should be contacted.
  • Children should always be encouraged to speak in English in. the school premises/bus for good academic progress. 
  • At home children should be encouraged to follow a routine of daily study and revision and parents should ensure that all class work finished and home work done neatly and submitted on time.
  • Students should develop a habit of reading chapters thoroughly.
  • Parents should review the child’s diary daily to be aware or his/her progress. Remarks from the teacher should also be checked.
  • Children should Bath regularly.
  • Children should Wear clean, ironed and complete prescribed uniform.
  • Children should always wear well polished shoes.
  • Boys should get their hair simply trimmed nearly mothly. They should comb the hair properly.
  • Girls should make two plaits. In case of open hair above shoulder length they should use a head band. 
  • Nails should be kept short, well trimmed and clean always.
  • Wear regular school uniform in all PTMs.
  • Name and class should be written on the books, notebooks and all items carried.
  • Students should not take any leave on the exam days. Long holidays should always he avoided- Re-exam will not be conducted except in case of emergencies.
  • Mopeds and Bikes are not allowed for the students, however they are permitted to come by bicycles.
  • To enhance soft skills and talents they should be encouraged to participate in various activities taking place in the school.


The student should realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct In school but also for their general behavior outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct in school on the part of pupil shall make him liable to disciplinary aciton. Parents or guardians are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and that the management has a right to say on what conditions it will admit or retain pupil in the school.


School Diary : The school diary is designed to act as a medium facilitating effective communication between parents and teachers. 

• Check The diary regularly for any entries/circulars from the school. The diary may also be used by the parent’s for communicating with the teacher or school authorities.

• Read the contents of the diary carefully.

• Sign all the notes sent by the school.

(ii) Home Assignments

Regular homework assignments are given to students to reinforce the learning in school. Homework also helps to inculcate good study habits among students.

(iii) Parent Teacher Meeting

• Parent Teacher Meeting should be utilized as platform to interact with the teachers to be well informed regarding the academic progress and behavior of the child.

• Schedule for the meeting is given through message. However parents are also informed about the meeting through SMS sent by the school.

Always try to reach the Parent teacher meeting venue well in time.

Adherence to time schedule of meeting is desirable.

10. Through Mobile phone one can contact us on all working weekdays between 9:00 am to 2.00 PM on the following telephone number’s.

Parents can meet the Principal on any wording day, between 11:00 A.M or by prior appointment.